Thursday, February 23, 2012

Parshat Terumah

Parshat Terumah
Exodus 25:1 - 27:19

In this portion, God instructs Moses to accept gifts from the Israelites. These are to be used in constructing a sanctuary so that God can dwell among the people. Acceptable gifts include precious metals and stones; tanned skins; blue, purple, and crimson yarns and linen; and special oils and spices.

God shows Moses the pattern according to which the
mishkan (the Tabernacle) and its contents are to be made. First to be made is an Ark of acacia wood, overlaid both inside and out with gold. The Ark is to be fitted with gold rings and gold covered poles to make it portable. The tablets of the law (which God will give Moses) are to be kept in the Ark. Two gold cherubim are to be placed facing each other over the cover of the Ark.

The Ark is to be house in the innermost chamber of the Tabernacle, called the Holy of Holies.

God describes the construction of the Tabernacle to Moses in great detail. The entire structure is to b eportable, with a wooden framework, and walls of richly covered fabric.

Inside the Tabernacle, next to the Holy of Holies, is to be a second room called the Holy place, which will contain a table overlaid in gold with the bread of display (shrewbread) set on it, and a seven-branched menorah also wrought of gold work.

In the court of the Tabernacle, an altar is to be constructed with horns of copper at each corner, and the courtyard itself is to be 100 cubits long by 50 cubits wide, fenced in with fine twined linen on silver filleted poles with hooks of silver and sockets of brass.
(Synopsis courtesy of Teaching Torah by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Barbara Binder Kadden)

Questions for your Shabbat table:
  • Terumah, the name of this week's portion, means "gifts" that the Israelites were each supposed to contribute to the building of the Tabernacle. What is the best gift you ever received? What is the most important gift you have ever given? What made each gift so special?
  • During the building of the ark, each person was supposed to contribute something to the project. Why do you think this was mandatory? How would the project be different if everyone could choose whether or not they wanted to participate?
  • Do you have to be an active participant in the Jewish community in order to be considered a Jew? How do you contribute to your community?
  • The mishkan, the Tabernacle, was the special worship place the Israelites built in the wilderness. What is your family's worship place? What makes it special? What is it like to go to synagogue?
  • The mishkan is a special place for God to dwell, and it was decorated very beautifully in order to honor God. How would you design a beautiful synagogue today? What would you include? Are there elements found in the description of the mishkan that are reflected in the sanctuary in your synagogue?
This week's g-dcast cartoon:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Parshat Yitro

Parshat Yitro
Exodus 18:1 - 20:23

Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, brings Moses' wife and two sons to Moses in the desert. After observing how Moses settles disputes among the Israelites, Jethro advises him to delegate chiefs to judge all except the most difficult of cases. Moses follows Jethro's advice, and Jethro returns to his own land in Midian.

On the third new moon after the Exodus, the people enter the wilderness of Sinai and encamp by Mount Sinai. God tells the people through Moses that if they obey God's teachings, they will be for God a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation." The people respond as one, saying, "All that the Lord has spoken we will do."

After the Israelites wait a period of three days for purification, God appears to them in a cloud of smoke and fire on the mountain and proclaims the Ten Commandments.

The people fear that they will die if they hear God speak or if they speak to God themslelves; so they ask Moses to be God's spokesperson in the future. God tells Moses to remind the Israelites that they themselves had heard God speak. Therefore they are to hold fast in their resolve to worship no idols. God commands them to build an altar of earth and to bring sacrifices.
(Synopsis courtesy of Teaching Torah by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Barbara Binder Kaden)

For your Shabbat table:
  • Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, suggets that he set up a system for judging disputes so that Moses does not have to decide everything. How do you resolve a problem you might have with a friend or classmate? Is it easier to find a solution when there is a third person helping you resolve a difference?
  • Through Moses, God tells the Israelites that if they obey his laws, they will become a "holy nation." Why is it important to follow rules? What does it mean to be holy?
  • The Israelites receive the Ten Commandments during Parshat Yitro - why do you think we have a set of ten when there are a total of 613 commandments? Does this mean those ten are the most important?
  • One of the Ten Commandments is to "honor your father and mother" - what does this mean to you? How do you honor your parents?
This week's g-dcast:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More Tu Bishvat Freebies and Fun!

In case you aren't Tu Bishvat'd out already, here is a great article for some more Tu Bishvat fun!

(If you haven't checked out Kosher on a Budget - DO!  It's a really great place to get helpful hints and tips on ways to keep your budget low - something that is tough to do for families who keep kosher)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Tu Bishvat!

Tu Bishvat, or the birthday of the trees (as I learned in first grade), started tonight.  If you're looking for some ideas on how to celebrate this holiday, check out this article from Ima on and off the Bima - definitely a good one!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Parshat B'Shallach

Parshat B'Shallach
Exodus 13:17-17:16

This week's parsha picks up where we left off last week with the escape of the Jews from Egypt. Once Pharaoh okay'd their "release," the Israelites set off, using God's somewhat faulty GPS - instead of taking the more direct route, which would have set them on a path through the land of the Philistines - ripe for a potential conflict, they took a more leisurely route by way of the wilderness at the Sea of Reeds. Along their way, God went before them in a pillar of cloud by day, the better with which to guide them along their way, and a pillar of fire by night, to give them light.

Meanwhile, God hardens Pharaoh's heart, and the Egyptians pursue the escaping slaves. As Pharaoh drew near the encamped slaves, the Israelites caught sight of their advancing foe, and after arriving at the Sea of Reeds, an seemingly insurmountable obstacle, the people begin to express great doubt and fear. Moses lifts up his rod and holds his arm over the sea, and God drove back with a strong wind and turned the sea into dry ground. Once the Israelites reach the opposite side of the sea, the waters close in over their foes, drowning all of the Pharaoh's horses, chariots, and horsemen. Now convinced of the greatness of God, the Israelites, led by Moses and Miriam, sing songs of praise.

As they continue along their way, the Israelites fall victim to great discontent - they go without water for three days before Moses is able to provide adequate drinking water. Shortly thereafter, a hungry people begin to grumble against Moses and Aaron, and they are later given food and manna. On the sixth day, they gather a double portion, for there would be no manna given on Shabbat.

The parsha concludes with an interesting story. After camping at Rephidim, the Israelites are attacked by their first enemy - the Amalekites. Moses instructs Joshua to lead the army, and Moses goes up to a nearby hill with Aaron and Hur - when he reaches the top of the mountain, Moses lifts the rod of God up high, causing the Israelites' army to begin to succeed against the Amalekites. However, when Moses grows weary and lowers his arm, the Amalekites begin to prevail. Moses sits upon a stone and his two companions sit on either side of him; they help to support his arms and Amalek is defeated. God instructs Moses to record these events and to remember Amalek as Israeli's eternal enemy.

For your Shabbat table:
  • How do you think the Israelites felt when they left Israel?
  • After the Israelites leave Egypt, it says that God hardens Pharaoh's heart, causing him to give chase after his escaping slaves. Why would God do this?
  • When the Israelites made it to the other side of the Sea of Reeds, they break out into jubilant song. Why do you think they decided to sing? How can a song help you to express emotions better than simply speaking? What are other ways you use to express yourself?
  • The Torah includes the Song of the Sea in this portion - take a look at the image of how it is written (at the top of this post). What is unique about this passage? Why do you think it is written that way?
  • The Torah tells us that several times during this portion of their journey (which ultimately took 40 years!), the Israelites grumbled against Moses and God. Has there been a time when you've "grumbled" against someone? Why? How did others react?
  • At the end of the portion, it takes two others, Aaron and Hur, to help Moses raise his arms so that the Israelites would prevail over the Amalekites. Why do you think a great man like Moses couldn't do it by himself?
This week's g-dcast: