Thursday, March 6, 2025

Looking Your Very Best

Parshat Tetzaveh
Exodus 27:20 - 30:10

In this portion, Moses is further told to instruct the Israelites to bring olive oil for lighting the lamps of the Tabernacle. The lamps, which are to be the responsibility of Aaron and his sons, are to burn from evening to morning for all time. Moses is told to ordain Aaron and his sons as priests.

The priests are to be adorned in special clothes. All the priests are to wear four garments - linen breeches, tunics, sashes, and turbans. In addition to these four articles, the High Priest (Aaron) is to wear a special robe of pure blue decorated at the hem with pomegranates and golden bells. Over this robe, the ephod - an apron-like layer woven of gold, blue, purple, and crimson - is to be worn. The breastplate, inlaid with precious stones and the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, is to be worn by the High Priest over the ephod. The eighth special item in the High Priest's dress is a gold plate engraved with the words "Kodesh LaYHVH" (Holy to Adonai) that is to be tied with a blue cord to the front of his turban.

The priests are to be ordained in a special ceremony which first involves washing, dressing, and anointing them with oil, and secondly, the offering of various sacrifices. These ceremonies are to be repeated for seven days.

The priests are to bring offerings twice daily to the altar in the Tabernacle. Further, they are to burn incense on an altar to be constructed especially for that purpose.
(Synopsis courtesy of Teaching Torah by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Barbara Binder Kadden)

Questions for your Shabbat table:
  • The word tetzaveh means to "instruct" or to "command" - why do you think the Torah is so specific in the descriptions of the Tabernacle (in last week's portion) and the dress code for the priests (in this week's portion)?
  • In ancient days, being a Kohein - a priest - was a major Jewish job. What are some of today's Jewish jobs?
  • According to the descriptions in the Torah (and this portion), the priests had very elaborate and fancy clothes to wear. What are some of your favorite outfits to wear when you want to dress up? For what special occasions do you wear those clothes?
  • Read the descriptions of the priestly clothing. How are they similar to how we adorn our Torah scrolls?