Thursday, January 16, 2025

Moses' Beginnings

Parshat Shmot
Exodus 1:1 – 6:1

The book of Exodus begins four hundred years after the end of Genesis, by recounting that the descendants of Jacob flourished and multiplied in Egypt “and the land was filled with them.” Then arises a new Pharaoh in Egypt who did not remember Joseph and he perceives the numerous Israelites as a potential threat. Therefore, the Egyptians enslave the Israelites, making life bitter for them. The Pharaoh instructs midwives to kill all male children born to Israelite women. When the midwives, fearing God, do not obey, Pharaoh orders all newborn boys drowned in the Nile River.

Now a certain couple of the house of Levi bear a son and hide him for three months. When the infant can no longer be hidden, his mother sets him afloat in the Nile River in a wicker basket. Miriam, the boy’s sister, is stationed to watch what will become of him. The Pharaoh’s daughter finds the infant and resolves to save him. Miriam arranges for her own mother to nurse and tend him.

When the child is grown, he is brought to the Pharaoh’s daughter to live in the palace as her son. She names him Moses, meaning “drawn out” of the water. When Moses is grown, he kills an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating a Hebrew slave. He is forced to flee Egypt. He goes to Midian, where he becomes a shepherd, a husband, and a father.

One day, while Moses is tending his sheep, God appears to him in a burning bush. God instructs Moses that he is to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the land of Canaan. When Moses protests his inadequacy for the task, God gives him signs through which he is to convince the Israelites and Pharaoh. His brother Aaron is appointed to be his spokesperson. Moses and his wife Tzipporah and his sons begin to journey back to Egypt. One night, God encounters him [it is unclear whether the text refers to Moses or his son] and seeks to kill him. Tzipporah quickly circumcises her son and God leaves him alone.

Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh demanding, in the name of God, that the Israelites be permitted to leave Egypt to worship God in the wilderness, but the Pharaoh refuses to heed them. Instead he increases the labor of the Israelites, refusing now to provide them with the straw they need to make bricks.
(Synopsis courtesy of Teaching Torah, by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Barbara Binder Kadden)

Questions for your Shabbat table:

  • In Pharaoh’s palace, all the princes went to lessons taught by the priests of Egypt– Moses probably went, too. What kinds of subjects do you think Moses studied? What might he have learned that would help him later to become a leader for his people?
  • In Genesis, there are many stories about conflicts between siblings (Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers), yet in contrast, this first portion of the book of Exodus shows cooperation between siblings. What is an example of cooperation between Moses and his brother and/or sister? Which pattern is more common in your family – conflict or cooperation?
  • In this parsha, the midwives help protect the babies who could not protect themselves. Who helps protect you?

Check out this Torah toon about Shemot:

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Blessings and Forgiveness

Parshat Vayechi
Genesis 47:28-50:26


Jacob lives for 17 years in Egypt.  He feels that his death is imminent.  He makes Joseph swear to bury him in Canaan.  Prior to his death, Jacob formally adopts Joseph's sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, and blesses them.  In the blessing, he elevates the younger Ephraim over Manasseh, explaining to Joseph that Ephraim would father a larger people than Manasseh.

On his deathbed, Jacob summons his sons.  He describes the character and depicts the future of each one.  Jacob directs his sons to bury him in the Cave of Machpelah, where his ancestors are buried.

Following his death, Jacob is embalmed.  A great Egyptian procession accompanies Joseph and his brothers to Canaan.  When they reach Goren HaAtad, Joseph observes a seven day mourning period for his father.  Joseph and his brothers return to Egypt after the burial.  Although the brothers are concerned that Joseph will take revenge upon them now that Jacob is dead, Joseph tells them they have no cause for concern.

The Book of Genesis closes with Joseph's death at 110 years of age.  On his deathbed, he speaks to his brothers, requesting that his bones be taken back to the land promised to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.

Questions for your Shabbat table:

  • Jacob and his family originally left Canaan for Egypt due to a famine.  The famine in Canaan lasted seven years, but the parasha tells us that Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years.  Why do you think he and his family remained in Egypt even after the end of the famine?
  • Much earlier in the story of Joseph and his brothers, Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery, which starts his journey that ends with him in Egypt.  By the end of this parasha, his brothers are worried that he holds a grudge against them, so they convince him that their father wanted Joseph to forgive them, which Joseph does.  Are there times it is hard to forgive someone for something they have done?  Are there times when it might be easier?
  • Before Jacob's death, he blesses each of his sons and tells their future.  If you were to receive a blessing from a parent or another adult, what do you hope would be in that blessing?  

And now, a look into Jacob's blessings for his sons:

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Joseph's Family Reunion

Parshat Vayigash
Exodus 44:18-47:27

After last week's cliffhanger ending, we continue the story of Joseph and his brothers in this week's parsha.  Judah begs Joseph to allow him to become a prisoner in place of Benjamin.  The brothers are fearful for their father Jacob's life, since he is so close to Benjamin.  Joseph, unable to conceal his identity any longer, reveals himself to his brothers.  They are astounded.  Pharaoh learns that Joseph's brothers are in Egypt.  He directs Joseph to invite Jacob and his entire household to live in Egypt.  Joseph extends the invitation, sending along gifts and provisions for his father's journey, but warning his brothers not to quarrel on the return to Canaan.  Jacob is told that Joseph is alive and waits to see him in Egypt.  One night during the journey, God calls out to Jacob and tells him that he will prosper in Egypt and that Joseph will be present at Jacob's deathbed.

Jacob and Joseph have a tearful reunion.  The family continues to work as shepherds in Egypt in the region of Goshen.  The famine continues in Egypt and Joseph sells grain to the people.  Eventually, the people sell all they own to Pharaoh in order to purchase grain.  By the end of the famine, Pharaoh owns all of the land in Egypt save the land of the priests.  At the end of the famine, Joseph gives seed to the people and directs them to repay Pharaoh with one-fifth of their harvest.

Questions for your Table:

  1. Based on the text, Benjamin replaced Joseph in his father's affection and attention.  Why didn't the brothers hate Benjamin as they once hated Joseph?  
  2. After all that has occurred, Joseph forgives his brothers, yet he did punish them.  Why do you think this is?  Have you ever felt vengeful?  When?  Why?
  3. The text does not record what the brothers told their father about Joseph.  We do not know from the story whether they confessed their role in Joseph's disappearance.  Why do you think they might not have confessed to their father? 


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Moving on Up

Parshat Miketz
Genesis 41:1-44:17

Two years have passed since the events of Parashat Vayeishev and Joseph remains in prison. One night, Pharaoh has two dreams which no one in his court can interpret. The cupbearer recalls from his own time in prison that Joseph interpreted dreams correctly, and tells Pharaoh of this talented Hebrew prisoner. Pharaoh calls upon Joseph and tells him of his dream. Joseph tells Pharaoh that dreams and interpretation come from God as messages, and that both of his dreams - dreams of fat and skinny cows and dreams of full and shriveled ears of corn - carry the same message - there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh places Joseph in charge of food collection during the years of plenty and the subsequent food distribution during the years of famine. Joseph is given an Egyptian name, Tzaf'nat Panayach, and a wife, Asenat.

Meanwhile, back in Canaan, Jacob, who has since had two more sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, is forced to send his sons to Egypt to buy grain during the famine. Jacob keeps Benjamin at home. When they arrive, Joseph recognizes his brothers but the opposite is not true. Hiding his identity, Joseph accuses them of being spies and decides to test them. He tells them to return to Egypt with their youngest brother, Benjamin. They are given grain, and each is secretly given back his money. Joseph keeps Simeon as a hostage until the brothers come back with Benjamin.

When the brothers return to Canaan and tell Jacob of the demand, he initially refuses to send his beloved Benjamin, until he realizes that the severe famine and their need for food might call for undesirable actions. Benjamin accompanies his brothers on their return trip to Egypt, where Joseph continues the test. After placing grain in their sacks, he again secretly returns their money. However, this time, he also places a silver goblet in Benjamin's bag. When his brothers leave to return to Canaan, Joseph sends his men after them, accusing them of theft. The parsha closes with Joseph declaring that Benjamin must remain in Egypt as his slave, but the other brothers are free to go.

Questions for your Shabbat table:
  • The stories of Joseph often revolve around dreams - what makes dreams so interesting? They are often found to be important in many cultures around the world - why do you think this might be?
  • Pharaoh, who was impressed with Joseph's ability to interpret dreams, calls him "discerning" and "wise" - what do YOU think makes someone wise?
  • Joseph correctly interprets Pharaoh's dream as foretelling of years of plenty and years of famine. What causes famines? Is there anything you can do to help those who suffer from famine?
  • When his brothers arrive in Egypt, Joseph decides to test them. Do you think he was acting out of revenge or was he trying to find out if he could trust them?
  • Have you ever wanted to get even with someone who did something wrong to you? What did you choose to do? How did you feel afterwards?

For your viewing pleasure, the cartoon version of Miketz:

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Joseph, the Dreamer

Parshat Vayeishev
Genesis 37:1-40:23

Vayeishev, the ninth parsha in Breishit, the book of Genesis, begins its final extended narrative: the story of Joseph.

Joseph was the beloved son of his father Jacob - in fact, the Torah says that Jacob/Israel loved him best of all his son, and, accordingly, had made for him an ornamented tunic, the better with which to show his affection. When his brothers saw this preference, they hated the boy so much that they could not speak a kind word to him.

Joseph had a dream, which he told to his brothers, after which they hated him even more. In this dream, Joseph and his brothers worked in a field binding sheaves of wheat, when his sheaf stood up and remained upright. His brothers' sheaves gathered around and bowed low to his sheaf. His brothers, quite angered by this image of their younger brother ruling over them, confronted him, asking if Joseph thought he was better than them and that he would one day rule over them.

Unfortunately he dreamed another dream, this time consisting of celestial objects in the sky - the sun, the moon, and eleven stars, all bowing down to our friend, Joseph. He, of course, relayed his dream to his father and brothers, and Jacob berated him, saying "What is this dream you have dreamed? Are we to come, I, your mother, and your brothers, and bow low to you to the ground?" Again, his brothers' hatred grew even more, and this time, even Jacob was keeping an eye on the situation.

Joseph's brothers, by this point, had quite enough of their boastful youngest brother, and they found a way to sell him to a passing caravan heading for Egypt for twenty pieces of silver. They took Joseph's special garment, the evidence of Jacob's favoritism, and smeared it with the blood of a young goat, making it look as if the boy had been horribly mauled by a wild beast. They brought this tunic back to their father, who mourned the death of this favored child, unaffected by their attempts to comfort him. Meanwhile, Jacob was carried away to Egypt by the Midianites, who sold him to Potiphar, a courtier of Pharaoh and his chief steward.

Even though he was in a strange land, Joseph began to prosper. He became Potiphar's personal assistant, eventually putting him in charge of all his household. Unfortunately, Mrs. Potiphar also appreciated Joseph, trying to lure him into compromising situations. Joseph rebuffed her advances, causing her to accuse him of taking advantage of her. Potiphar, believing his wife, cast Joseph out and had him imprisoned.

While in prison, Joseph met up with two men who had served the Pharaoh - a cupbearer and a baker - but had unfortunately angered him to the point of being imprisoned themselves. Both of these former servants and dreams that confounded them; one morning, Joseph came upon them and asked what was the matter, for they seemed distressed. They shared these troubling dreams, and Joseph, quite a whiz with dreams and interpretation, helped the men find the meaning behind the dreams. Ultimately the dreams foretold of the reinstatement of the cupbearer to Pharaoh's palace and the unfortunate demise of the baker - both of these prophecies came true. And while the poor baker lost his life, the cupbearer was reinstated to his position, and the parasha concludes with the cliffhanger, "Yet the cupbearer did not think of Joseph; he forgot him." What happens to Joseph? Does he stay in prison forever? Does the cupbearer remember his helpful friend? Tune in next week for Parashat Mikeitz, the continuation of the Joseph story.

Questions for your Shabbat table:
  • This parsha, we are told, gives us the story of Joseph at the tender age of seventeen, and can be seen as a story of a young, immature teenager, especially in how he treats his brothers. Give an example from the past week/month when you felt or acted very maturely, and one in which you felt or acted immaturely. Describe what was different between these two experiences and why you acted in these ways.
  • Based on the events read in this parsha, do you think Joseph's brothers regretted their actions? Why or why not?
  • Do you remember your dreams? Do you ever tell them to other people? Do your dreams make sense to you, or are they difficult to understand?

And now, your Torah toon:

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Wrestling with God

Parashat Vayishlach

Genesis 32:4 - 36:43

"Jacob sent (vayishlach) messengers ahead to his brother Esau in the land of Seir..."

Our story continues 20 years after last week's parashaVayetze, where Jacob left Canaan for Haran, meeting Rachel and entering into a problematic betrothal agreement with her father, Laban, that ended with his marriage to both Rachel and her older sister, Leah. In Parashat Vayishlach, Jacob decides to return to Canaan with his large family, and begins to nervously prepare for his reunion with his estranged brother Esau, whose land they must pass through during their travels. His messengers return with the report that Esau is bringing 400 men to his meeting with Jacob. Obviously threatened by this news, Jacob divides up his family and flocks into two camps, hoping that one will survive if the other faces what Jacob considers to be an inevitable attack. After sending Esau a lavish gift of animals, Jacob begins the process of moving along his entourage. Once he safely sees the last across a river, Jacob was left alone. That evening, he wrestles with a mysterious "man" who injures Jacob in the thigh, leaving him with a limp, and bestowing upon him a new name, Yisrael, meaning "one who has struggled/wrestled with God." Eventually, Jacob and Esau meet without incident and peacefully go their separate ways.

After a brief detour through Shechem, God tells Jacob to travel on to Bethel and to build an altar there. Once they arrive in the appointed place, God appears to Jacob and confirms upon him this new name of Yisrael and reaffirms with him the covenant made between God and the family of Abraham. Rachel dies in childbirth (with Benjamin) and is buried along the road to Ephrat. Isaac dies at the ripe old age of 180, and both Esau and Jacob do their duty by their father and bury him. The parsha concludes with the recitation of the genealogy of Esau's descendants.

A few questions for your Shabbat table:
  • Jacob's new name was Yisrael, or Israel, which means to struggle with God. What does it mean to struggle with God? Have you ever struggled with God?
  • A person's name is very important, sometimes telling what the person is like. In the Torah, when someone's name is changed, it means that the person has changed too. How do you think Jacob changed when he became Yisrael?
  • Part of Parashat Vayishlach shows us the tension Jacob anticipated in his meeting with Esau. Have you ever had a fight with anyone in your family? How did you feel? What feelings did you have to wrestle with in order to make peace with each other?
  • Jacob received his new name after he wrestled with a man (eesh in Hebrew), but his new name says that he wrestled with God (el in Hebrew), not a man. Why do you think this is? Was the mysterious wrestler a man, or perhaps something else?
  • Many synagogues are called "Beth El," like the site in this parasha where God tells Jacob to build an altar. Beth El literally means "a house of God" - what do you think makes a synagogue like a house of God?


Thursday, December 5, 2024

Dream a Little Dream

Parshat Vayeitzei
Genesis 32:4-36.43

Parshat Vayeitzei, the seventh portion in the book of Genesis (Bereisheet), tells of Jacob leaving (va'yeitzei - and he left) Beer Sheva and headed for Haran. Along the way, he stops for the evening, and goes to sleep, using a stone for a pillow. That night he had dreamt of a ladder than stretched up to the heavens with angels ascending and descending the structure. God stands beside Jacob and tells him that the land on which he stands will one day belong to Jacob and his descendants and they will be blessed. Additionally, God promises that Jacob will return safely to his home.

In Haran, Jacob comes to his Uncle Laban's house, and falls in love with Laban's daughter, Rachel. In exchange for Rachel's hand, Jacob agrees to work for seven years. At the end of the seven years, the wedding feast Jacob prepares to marry Rachel, but finds Leah as his bride instead. Understandably upset by this outcome, Jacob confronts Laban, only to be told that it is not Laban's practice to marry off the younger daughter before the older. The agree that Jacob will be allowed to marry Rachel as well, but must work another seven years.

After his many years of servitude and the arrival of many children, Jacob decides it is time to leave his uncle's home and return to the land of his birth. Jacob and Laban work out an agreement over the payment of Jacob's wages, but Laban's sons are unhappy with the arrangement. With Laban suddenly expressing some doubts as well and the situation becoming increasingly tense, Jacob, Rachel, and Leah decide to leave quickly, not even stopping to say goodbye. On the way, Rachel steals her father's set of idols. When Laban discovers that these important items are missing, he pursues his daughters and son-in-law. Laban catches up with the groups, and he and Jacob discuss the matter, eventually resolving a number of issues that had built up between the two of them over Jacob's twenty years with Laban's household. The two reconcile, and Jacob and his family resume their journey.

Questions for your Shabbat table:
  • When Jacob awoke from his dream, he sensed God's presence and was changed. Have you ever had a dream experience that had such an effect on you?
  • During his time in Haran, Jacob is the victim of tricks and lies. What do you do when you think someone is not being honest with you?  How does it make you feel?
  • Have you ever lied to anyone? How does it make you feel? How do you think the other person feels if they discover the truth?
  • Is it ever acceptable to lie? Why or why not?
  • At the end of the portion, Jacob and Laban discuss their disagreements and are able to resolve some of their differences. Can you think of someone with whom you disagree with whom you could make peace?

And now your weekly Torah cartoons based on this week's parsha.