Monday, November 9, 2009

Twebrew School

There are a number of wonderful Jewish resources out on the internet - for some ideas, check out the "Jewish links" section of this website as well as the Twitter feed right above it. One of the more interesting resources for parents of children who are just beginning to learn Hebrew is the Twebrew School updates put out by the folks who brought us Jewish Treats (@JewishTweets) - both are accessible via Twitter. If tweeting doesn't do it for you, you can also check out their blogs.
What I love most about the Twebrew School articles (one a day for the month of November) is that not only is the reader introduced to each letter, but the introduction goes beyond pure linguistics (the name, sound, function of the letter), but includes information about the letter's interaction in both modern and Biblical Hebrew and anything else you didn't know you didn't know!

Today's letter is "vav"- one of the smallest letters in the alef bet, but one of the most powerful!

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