Thursday, July 14, 2011

Parshat Pinchas

Parshat Pinchas
Numbers 25:10-30:1

Pinchas is the son of the priest Eleazar. Because of his zeal in slaying the Israelite man and the Midianite woman (see Numbers Balak), Pinchas receives a special reward. The high priesthood becomes the possession of his descendants for all time.

At the border of Moab near Jericho, Moses and Eleazar take a census of all male Israelites over 20 years of age, considered able to bear arms. The total is 601, 730. Also counted are 23,000 Levite males from the age of one month. They are counted separately; since they are not eligible for military service; nor are they to receive land. Of those counted, only Joshua, Caleb, and Moses had been counted in the first census in the wilderness of Sinai. All adults who had been a part of the first census after the Exodus died in the desert as decreed by God.

God tells Moses that the land is to be divided among the tribes according to the census. Each section of land, however, is to be assigned by lot.

Five daughters of Zelophehad protest the injustice that land was not given to their family solely because their father had no sons. God advises Moses that the plea of the daughters is just. Moses proclaims a general rule that property is to be inherited in the following order: sons are to inherit first, but if there are no sons, property is to be assigned to daughters. In cases where there are no children, the property of a man is to pass to his brothers, and if there are no brothers, the nearest relative shall inherit.

God tells Moses to ascend the moutnains of Avarim to see the land given to the Israelites. Moses is to prepare to die there. Because of his act of disobedience at the waters of Meribat-Kadaysh, he is not to enter the Promised Land. Moses asks God to appoint a new leader of the community. He is told to ordain Joshua the son of Nun in the sight of Eleazar and the whole Israelite community.

The portion concludes with a detailing of the daily, Sabbath, monthly, and festival sacrifices to be brought before God.Synopsis courtesy of Teaching Torah, by Sorel Goldberg Loeb and Barbara Binder Kadden

For your Shabbat table:
  • During this week's portion, we learn that the next leader of the Israelites will be Joshua. Who are the leaders of Israel's family who come before Joshua?
  • What qualities does a good leader possess?
  • If you were responsible for picking a leader, what type of person would you look for?
  • Moses was the leader of the Israelites for a very long time. How do you think he felt when he had to start preparing Joshua to take over this important role?
  • Put yourself in Joshua's place - how would you have felt taking over for Moses? Would it be difficult to take over at the same time as you lost your leader and mentor?
Enjoy a different look at this week's portion via g-dcast:

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